Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Surgical caps, masks, and a smash cake

 Hi.  It's been a while since I posted anything.  I've had some health problems,  which I'm hoping are resolved.  I'm still healing, so it remains to be seen.  I have been a little productive,  during this time.  Below are a few pictures of my latest projects.

While I was in the hospital,  the nurses were so nice to me. I noticed that they were all wearing surgical caps (to keep Covid out of their hair).  I asked about the caps and my nurse said that one of the mothers of one of the nurses made a lot of them.  So I volunteered to make some for them. She gave me a sample of one to bring home.  I found the exact pattern for free on the internet.  I got to use some of my stash of fabric.  She asked that they be bright and cheerful!  I think they are and I'm hoping they will enjoy using them.  I made a few of the dark ones for the male nurses there,  too.  I still have to sew on the buttons to loop their masks onto.

I also made some new masks for my son-in-law for his comic book store.  All stores require a mask upon entry,  so I made some early on.  But I figured by now he would probably need some new ones.  The customers love to see them and always say they like them.

My youngest great granddaughter just turned one year old and I had the honor of making her smash cake, for their photoshoot.  The biggest one is a very large cupcake cake and the smaller one was a prop for her photoshoot also. And she did smash it alright.  haha

So,  I'm still taking it easy.  I figured sewing is not too strenuous, so I can do that.  Can't wait to start walking every day again.  I must be patient though.

 'Til next time,  Love ya,  Jean


Unknown said...

Love the caps, masks and the cake is so super cute. Get well quick... Lady Jane

jkavitha said...

Thank you for great information, keep posting.
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